Thursday, February 25, 2010
I Combo-Broke Myself
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tasty and FIX ME!

ANYWAY, this situation reminded me of something I've believed for a long time.
Advil, of all brands of ibuprofen, TASTES THE BEST!
Just needed to get that out there.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Gotta be IN it to WIN it.

You HAVE to be 'IN' it, if you want a chance to 'win' it.
True story, on Monday night, out of no-where , I decided that, though I want to see the film DEFENDOR (with Woody Harrelson, coming out this week) I didn't want to pay for it, as I'm kinda broke.
So, I entered an Eye Weekly newspaper contest for a chance to win tickets.
And I won.
The point is, if you wanna win things, like contests, you gotta be in them. So, enter some contests. Free stuff is awesome.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Combo Breaker

Friday, February 12, 2010
Ass Full Of Pipe Wrench
Thursday, February 11, 2010

In some cultures like Japan, where the louder one slurps one's noodles at a restaurant, the more they indicate to the chef their appreciation towards it's quality; wouldn't the idea of being the 'loudest noodle slurper' trigger our human tendencies of competition?
Or at the very least, be a tool to impress others. Now take that thought to a dinner date setting.
Wouldn't a guy really wanna impress his date by being the loudest noodle slurper in the restaurant?
Now let's take this one step further.
What if the date of the gentleman in question had previously gone out with someone who was even louder at noodle slurping?
It would start to feel like a pretty lackluster date, wouldn't it?
Just a thought.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Leaving On A Jetplane
1. Air quality in airplanes is actually excellent. Airplanes use the same kinds of air filters hospital ORs use. If you do get sick it's probably through touching i.e. sharing arm rest, tray tables.
2. Still with the air quality thing. Lots of people think that the airline gives you less oxygen to make passengers more docile. This isn't true, in fact a lack of oxygen causes confusion, nausea and headaches.
3. Turbulence is nothing more than a bump on the air road. The likelihood of a plane crashing from turbulence is pretty much zero. If the plane is going to crash it's because of equipment failure and human error which probably happen taking off or landing so no point in worrying in between.
4. If you walking down the aisle back toward your seat and an angry terrorist runs at you drop down onto your back and kick at him.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Blu-Ray Dismay
Increasingly, the trend now to get people to buy blu-ray instead of regular old DVDs is NO MORE SPECIAL FEATURES!
You see, if special features were on the regular old boring DVDs, then they wouldn't be special on blu-ray, would they?
So the solution has been to make what we've all come to expect as 'included special features' a blu-ray exclusive. Behind the scenes, making ofs, studio tours, deleted scenes; all of it, gone (except for the commentary...and really, who even-)
In many DVD movies I watched recently, the DVD experience has gone back to the time when DVD's were new and just having an interactive menu and a trailer were described as "special" on the back of the box. To be honest, those of us who haven't made the jump to the blu-ray are quickly being forced into a retro stasis of technology even before our time.
SO, there you go, the solution to make blu-ray 'the next best thing', is to make it exactly what we already had.
...and in some cases, including the regular DVD copy in the box, just in case you don't have a blu-ray player.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Black Dynamite!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Digital Watches Aren't Cool
Over the years it’s become very apparent to me that digital watches aren’t cool. I remember a time in grade school when everyone had digital watches. Kids would boast that they had 8 lap memory and 100 meters underwater. Now most kids probably don’t even know what lap memory is and I doubt they ever went a hundred meters into the depths of the see. But that didn’t matter, because all we knew was that a hundred is better than fifty, thus proving who was cooler.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Do People Still Buy Calendars?
There are usually two proponents to a wall calendar, the calendar and the picture. Now days with all this fandangled gadgetry people have access to calendars that can zoom in/out, get reminders and are at their finger tips. The wall calendar on the other hand has a puny little box to write everything down in, not to mention writing against a wall is a pain. Also, who walks around with a pencil? And then the picture part, it’s artwork that CHANGES each month. Well if you like moving images then just mount a TV to the wall and flip it to one of those random digital channels of fish or a log fire, which would be weird floating up high…but you get the point.
But people still buy calendars probably because of the fine tradition of hunting one down after Christmas and the amount of joy people get out of looking at pet animals posed in awkward anthropomorphized positions.