Thursday, March 11, 2010

When do people start going for the Record

I recently got my hair cut, so I was wondering how long was/is the longest hair. Apparently someone in China grew her hair out to fifteen and a half feet. It took her twenty one years to do it! So I guess the question is, why? Now the obvious answer is to get the record but before, when her hair was only four feet long...was she always thinking, it's my destiny to grow my hair super long and be put into the illustrious book of Guiness?

How does she wash it? How does she move? Walk around with a wheel-barrel full of hair, it's gotta be heavy! What about knots. She can never work around heavy machinery or any food business.

When does that switch flip to, yeah, I have a shot at a world record?


  1. Hair isn't so bad, you can tie it up and stuff... I once saw the lady who had the longest FINGERNAILS. Not a pretty sight.

  2. "but before, when her hair was only four feet long...was she always thinking, it's my destiny to grow my hair super long and be put into the illustrious book of Guiness?"
    My hair is over three feet long now, and I never cut it, because then...I wouldn't be the girl with the long hair anymore? I'm not sure. But while it's growing, you gradually get used to it, and hardly notice when it gets longer...I bet she doesn't even consider her hair that long.
